Woman having to give blood after being charged with a DUI in Tennessee.

The Science Behind Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime that can lead to severe consequences, including jail time, fines, and a criminal record. One of the key factors in a DUI case is the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of the driver at the time of the arrest. Understanding the science behind BAC can help you navigate a DUI case and potentially avoid the harsh penalties. Here are some important things to know.

How BAC is Measured

BAC is a measure of the amount of alcohol in a person's bloodstream. The most common way to measure BAC is through a breathalyzer test, which estimates the amount of alcohol in a person's blood based on their breath. Blood tests are also used to measure BAC, but they are less common.

Factors That Affect BAC

Several factors can affect a person's BAC level, including their weight, gender, and the amount of alcohol they consume. Generally, men can consume more alcohol than women before reaching the same BAC level. Additionally, a person's BAC can continue to rise even after they stop drinking, as alcohol takes time to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Legal BAC Limits

In every state, it is illegal to drive with a BAC level of 0.08% or higher. However, some states have lower limits for certain groups, such as commercial drivers or those under the age of 21. It's important to know the legal BAC limit in your state and to never drive after consuming alcohol.

BAC and DUI Penalties

If you are arrested for DUI, and your BAC is above the legal limit, you may face severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, and even jail time. In some cases, a high BAC level can result in more serious charges, such as aggravated DUI or vehicular manslaughter.

How to Challenge a BAC Test Result

While BAC tests are often seen as reliable evidence in DUI cases, there are situations where the results may be inaccurate. Factors such as a faulty breathalyzer machine or improper administration of the test can lead to false positives. If you believe your BAC test result was incorrect, it's important to work with an experienced DUI attorney who can challenge the evidence in court.

Get Support With Meade Law Group

Understanding the science behind BAC is essential for anyone facing a DUI charge. By knowing how BAC is measured, what factors can affect it, and the potential consequences of a high BAC level, you can make informed decisions about your case. If you need legal assistance with a DUI charge, contact Meade Law Group today.
